Events 2021 with QDK

NFT BAZL will host the world's first physical NFT gallery, showcasing both physical and digital art using the blockchain to bridge the gap between the physical and digital art worlds.
Breathing new life into an antiquated market, artists will exhibit physical and digital masterpieces side-by-side, welcoming collectors to an exhibition where onlookers can view artworks across a variety of mediums and bid by scanning a QR cod.
Of the NFT proceeds, 10% will be donated to the Elika Hope Foundation of Her Royal Highness Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The donation will be taken from the compensation received by event hosts GDA Capital and Elitium as part of this collaboration.
The Elikia Hope Foundation is an international organization founded by Her Royal Highness Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Foundation's mission is to support impactful projects focused on fostering peace and promoting a more equitable distribution of wealth and prosperity, all the while maintaining sustainability as a core value.
NFT BAZL has attracted an illustrious guest list, featuring Queen Diambi and other royals, as well as over 300 guests consisting of art buyers, famous crypto investors, hedge funds managers, and famous celebrities. With NFT BAZL, GDA Capital and Elitium seek to set a new standard for art innovation, with the event's 300 tickets selling out well in advance. However, staying true to the spirit of decentralization and open networks, the rest of the world will be able to observe and participate through the Decentraland livestream.
About Elitium
Kwango Festival the 14 - 21 of June 2021 sponred by the Queen